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Matjaz Belsak Slovenian Strongman And Powerlifter

Matjaž Belšak: Slovenian Strongman and Powerlifter

Early Life and Career

Matjaž Belšak was born on September 23, 1992, in Slovenia. He began his athletic career in powerlifting, where he quickly established himself as one of the strongest athletes in his weight class. In 2014, he transitioned to strongman competition, quickly becoming one of the top athletes in the sport.


Belšak's accomplishments in strongman and powerlifting are impressive. He holds the Slovenian record for the heaviest raw squat (370 kg/816 lbs), the heaviest raw bench press (250 kg/551 lbs), and the heaviest raw deadlift (360 kg/794 lbs). In strongman competition, he has won numerous international competitions, including the Slovenia's Strongest Man title, the Arnold Sports Festival Strongman World Series, and the World Strongman Under 105kg Championship.

YouTube Channel

In addition to his athletic pursuits, Belšak also has a popular YouTube channel with over 100,000 subscribers. On his channel, he shares his training videos, competition experiences, and insights into the world of strongman and powerlifting. His videos have helped inspire and motivate countless athletes and fans around the world.

Future Prospects

At 24 years old, Belšak has already achieved remarkable success in his sport. He is widely considered to be one of the most talented young strongman athletes in the world. With his dedication, hard work, and the support of his fans, Belšak has the potential to become one of the greatest strongmen of all time.
